Art Therapy
Defined by AATA, The American Art Therapy Association, Art Therapy is an integrative mental health and human services profession that enriches the lives of individuals, families, and communities through active art-making, the creative process, applied psychological theory, and human experience within a psychotherapeutic relationship. The therapist provides a safe space for an individual to be seen and accepted unconditionally, while also offering education and support in personal growth.
Most simply stated, art therapy classes and appointments with Katy Marver will include using different types of art media to express and process personal thoughts, ideas and emotions. Katy will also teach art skills for the purpose of developing meaningful recreational opportunities and personal mastery in order to express oneself clearly in art therapy.
Art journaling, also called visual journaling, as seen in the above image, is just one tool that can be used in session and at home. Using images in journaling with or without words, communicates and releases a much deeper expression of feelings than words and talking alone. Sharing the art, within a trusted relationship, provides opportunity to be heard and seen, understood with more clarity and validation. Katy welcomes clients to bring art/visual journaling to appointments from home to discuss and share in session whenever they are inclined to do so.
Look under upcoming events, classes and workshops or privately schedule art sessions with Katy Marver.
Please leave your contact number and email for more information. Thank you!
Reiki can be defined as a non-physical healing energy made up of life force energy that is guided by the Higher Intelligence, or spiritually guided life force energy. This is a functional definition as it closely parallels the experience of those who practice Reiki in that Reiki energy seems to have an intelligence of its own flowing where it is needed in the client and creating the healing conditions necessary for the individuals needs. It cannot be guided by the mind, therefore it is not limited by the experience or ability of the practitioner. Neither can it be misused as it always creates a healing effect.
Katy offers reasonable rates for individual reiki treatments as well as treatments during Community Acupuncture & Reiki at The Soul Source in West Bend. She can be contacted by leaving a message and email on the contact page.
Community Art Projects
Art Benches
Community and collaborative art projects are designed to build community on all levels. Community art projects are a great way to build trusting relationships and friendships. Together, participants learn to appreciate each other’s contributions, unique skills and personalities. When we collaborate, we become more effective communicators and integrated contributors in our society.
To the right are examples of two of the community, or collaborative art projects that I have facilitated.
The benches were part of an Arts@large project at an elementary school in Milwaukee that was taking initiative to be all inclusive as well as develop trust between age groups. Fourth graders were paired up to mentor younger, kindergarten children, and everyone was involved in brainstorming local resources, building, sanding and painting the benches. Subjects like math, history, humanities, reading and art expression, were all part of this project. We also discussed what it means to be an active member of the community, including the responsibilities and privelages of each person. The benches were placed in hallways to welcome parents to be part of their children's daily life and education and provided colorful, aesthetic value to the environment.
Peace/Garden Poles
The lower images are of unique "Peace Poles." The peace pole to the upper right with the mountain image is something that was done for a workshop I offered in 2017. The words, "May peace prevail on Earth," the same words used in original peace poles, wrap around the top of the pole, stating a clear intention and our common goal of peace and respect for all. Each pole is "planted" with love and support of people wanting to create a more harmonious world. Part of the workshop was to gather in celebration of being a productive, diverse group of people working together in appreciation of the individuals that make up the whole.
The other Peace/Garden Poles are commissioned work I did for The Soul Source in West Bend, Wisconsin. Feel free to contact Katy if you would like a Peace or Garden Pole for your home or place of business. She would love to create a piece of art to fit your environment!
Katy offers ceremony to dedicate each peace pole she creates for and with others, and is dedicated to connecting and healing communities.
Classes and Workshops
Present classes and workshops are currently held at The Soul Source in West Bend, Wisconsin, however, Katy is excited to create and offer these and specialized classes or workshops at other locations for public and private events on a number of topics. Please use the contact page to reach her for additional information.
Embracing Crone Medicine
The Crone Archetype is known in different cultures and mythologies by different names such as the Wise Woman Within or Empress. In a woman's physical life, the crone follow's the end of child birthing years. This is also the time of the new moon, when the night sky is dark. It is the place of intuition and the wisdom. This workshop includes a guided mediation assisting you to connect with your Inner Crone, interactive exercises, a guided meditation and rituals to help you understand how She is present in your life and how you can nurture and acknowledge inner knowing.
Part II, Spring,
includes interactive activities to deepen connection with Wise Women's intuitive nature, and hands-on experiences to reawaken the gifts of springtime. We also get introduced to Crone's beloved sister, Wild Woman.
Sunday, April 3, 2022